Did this.
So The Boy could do this.
Thanks Daddy!
What's that? I think it's Broadway calling!
"I need a _poon!"
"The Boy _pit on me!"
"I want _prinkles on my cupcake"
"The water _prayed on me"
"That is too _cary" (usually about one of her brother's movies or books)"My _paghetti looks like a _pider"
"Santa going to put presents in my _tocking""I dizzy because I _pin around and around"
"I got a _ticker for going pee on the potty!""This ribbon is _parkly"
"Papa _teve pulled weeds with me""_top it, Lance!"
"I want to _pread the butter all. by. myself!"
"Twinkle, twinkle, little _tar!"
"At _chool (pronounced cool), teacher Crystal rub my back for nap"
At least someone is enjoying himself.
Until June, that is--when he has to make up the 3 snow days.
Ummmm.. Today I overheard Madam 2 1/2 saying to herself, "Dear Santa, Please bring me some toys. I want a purple horse and some bath toys and a dolly." And every night at dinner, when we're saying grace and what we're thankful for, she says, "I thankful Christmas is coming!"
Transformation complete. 18 months ahead of schedule. Yikes.
It is frightening to see how much earlier younger siblings get the whole television, Halloween candy, Easter candy, Christmas presents, birthdays, toys stores, and treats at Starbucks thing.
On a good note, she also drank from an open cup earlier, can practically dress herself, plays alone for long periods of time, plays with Play-doh rather than eating it, waits patiently at times, doesn't mind if her choice isn't the chosen option, and--please Santa---will be potty trained before she's 3.
I tell myself that 2nd babies will be better adjusted people in the long run, more able to go with the flow, share and compromise, and stand up for themselves. That will help them combat the rotten teeth and early addictions to age-inappropriate cartoons.
Our favorite funnies this week include:
You want a piece of me?
I freezing cold
Wrap me around (wrap a blanket around me)
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me (when you want to be picked up)
Happy Half Birthday, Bitty Girl! We love you!