But I'm struggling. I just want it to stop. I know we're lucky because we haven't lost power, because we are warm and safe and dry. I'm lucky because I have Pat home on vacation too, and am not stuck home by myself with abovementioned children.
Some lovely footage shot this morning...
The view out the front door. Right out the door, under the covered porch.
The area formerly known as a driveway, and way in the distance, frozen lumps formerly known as the garbage cans.
A snowy day in the forest... I mean, my front yard
Our covered patio. And by covered, I mean covered in SNOW
Sandbox, you say? Where? (see the lump?)
Crazy boys, including one wonderful, dedicated father who braved the 15-degree evening for some snow baseball

In the words of my sister from Pittsburgh to the cities in and around Seattle:
"It's called salt, people. Use it." I do not understand why we can't salt and plow better for just a few weeks. For the sanity of everyone involved.
oh, my darling nut case... think how much you will NOT complain about the incessant rain, wind and other nasty weather that at least lets you get to Trader Joes and work. We got 6 more" last night...
I feel the same way. Maybe if the city were better prepared for snow I wouldn't mind it so much but the way everything just stops, it is crazy.
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