Yes, I fixed her helmet after the picture.
Here's a little cycling action. Just because you can reach pedals doesn't mean you have to use them. Look out Lance Armstrong!
Maybe it's the big girl bed that's making me all sappy. She loves it, and has slept wonderfully in it from the start. She does say that she misses her crib sometimes, and I think, "So does Mama." I love being able to lie down and snuggle with her, but it's a BIG GIRL BED.
(updated picture with less obnoxious purple comforter coming soon)
And she wants to walk everywhere by herself. Which is good--30 pounds is heavy to lug around. But it's such a big girl thing to walk up the stairs at the Y or out in a parking lot. Lucky she still likes to hold my hand.
And eat big sandwiches. No crusts, please.