Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Two Thousand Eight
So far, we have survived. Barely. If more snow arrives, we can't promise how Mommy will do.
Bitty Girl asked, "Mommy, what do you want for Christmas?"
Luckily, we had pictures taken before the snow arrived to make our lives difficult.
Thanks to Sara Montgomery, sister of my friend Kaia and talented photographer, for making us look better than we usually do!
Whew! We took one by the tree in case we don't make it for a Santa picture by tomorrow!
And look - they stood nicely together without arguing for approximately 5 seconds!
Someone cleans up well! (makes up for the World's Worst School Picture 2008)
She even managed to capture a real smile, which is elusive these days.
Bitty Girl didn't mind posing....
Monday, December 22, 2008
Hold the 's'
Bitty Girl's droppage has been a source of much entertainment around here.
"I need a _poon!"
"The Boy _pit on me!"
"I want _prinkles on my cupcake"
"The water _prayed on me"
"That is too _cary" (usually about one of her brother's movies or books)"My _paghetti looks like a _pider"
"Santa going to put presents in my _tocking""I dizzy because I _pin around and around"
"I got a _ticker for going pee on the potty!""This ribbon is _parkly"
"Papa _teve pulled weeds with me""_top it, Lance!"
"I want to _pread the butter all. by. myself!"
"Twinkle, twinkle, little _tar!"
"At _chool (pronounced cool), teacher Crystal rub my back for nap"
And another random but darling one:
"I want to see Maggie's picture on the ___puter" (computer)
But by far the best one of the day... almost made me forget about the 5 day snowstorm...
Bitty Girl to me as she surveys the living room, trying to figure out the best baby doll napping placement:
"This needs to be a all baby place. Why you put all those toys here?"
(Said accusingly, as she points to her brother's twelve birthday gifts that are under the Christmas tree, for lack of a better place until we sort things out, post-Christmas carnage)
Me: "Where should I put them?"
Bitty G: "In the SAMILY room!"
Samily. A room for hugs. And toys. I should have known. Silly Mama.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Trying to overcome my grinchiness
Thursday, December 18, 2008
At least someone is enjoying himself.
Until June, that is--when he has to make up the 3 snow days.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Stone cold Bitty Girl
2190 days=72 months=6 years old
I really can't believe it. Six.
Maybe it's because it sounds like SIXTEEN, maybe it's the kindergarten thing, or just that you are so long and tall and grown-up these days.
Every year at this time, I find myself wanting to hold you and snuggle more than usual. When the Christmas decorations come out, and we pull out the Christmas tree snow globe that I got from Grandma and Papa while in the hospital with you, I can remember it all.
That crazy pre-Christmas of 2002, where nothing else really mattered and we got to bring home our best present ever on Christmas Day. That little tiny present who peed through a million outfits that first night, who squeaked and squealed and slept every minute you weren't eating for several weeks. Who we kept sequestered for months, avoiding the germs of flu season and other kids.
Today Daddy was talking to you about the day you were born, and I cried remembering that time between 3:30 pm and 6:00 pm when he was up in the NICU with you before I was cleared to go up and visit you. Those hours I didn't realize I had missed, and that don't really matter now, but they still make me cry thinking about it. And we realized how thankful we were--again--that your sister arrived on time, so that you didn't have to wait 11 days to see her, since they don't allow kids in the NICU.
You, thankfully, have had no problems related to your early arrival. Except the fact that your birthday falls eleven days before Christmas. And it's always crazy busy during that time, we have to schedule around holiday parties and the toy stores are sold out. You are tall and smart and healthy and funny--I think I called you a "delightful tornado" one year. You're still delightful, still a tornado.
Since your 5th birthday, you have played on your first t-ball team, broken your arm, gotten four stitches in your eyebrow (a week after your cast came off), played on your first soccer team, and started kindergarten. It's been a big year. You're this close to reading on your own, and I expect it will click any day. You know all the letters and sounds, but the part of actually sitting still long enough to carefully grip your pencil and focus on forming your letters is usually more than you're willing to tolerate for long. You tend to rush through things so you can be the first one done, the first one to do whatever comes next. You have a brain for numbers, like your Daddy, and can add and subtract numbers in your head, love to count everything, and enjoy number games. We even made an equation cake, with 3 + 3 = 6. Ok, so it was because we didn't have a #6 candle, but you still loved it.
School has been an easier transition than we expected, although I wouldn't call it easy. You are still exhausted from all-day kindergarten, but you have an amazing teacher and have made lots of new friends. You are happy at the new school, and we love being five minutes away. Knowing a few kids from soccer definitely helped your comfort level, and you know lots of kids from your class and older kids from recess and class buddies.
We're just experiencing what we've come to expect as the "annual wave of obnoxious" right before your birthday, so we have high hopes for January. Something about holidays and birthday all rolled into one season is a lot for anyone.
Your birthday party was waaaaaay too big and a bit overwhelming, especially for you. I know it's over and you had fun in the end, but I still feel responsible, like I should have predicted it. But I hope you felt celebrated. And by the way, we'll never do that again. Ever.
It may not snow for Christmas, but you had a white birthday. Two inches of snow.. not enough for sledding or snowmen, but enough for a pathetic Northwest snow angel-where-you-can-see-the-deck-poking-through or two..
Wheeeee! It's my birthday!
Angel #1
Angel #2
Saturday, December 13, 2008
It's official.
But he recovered, and I think the other kids barely noticed. Then it was time to eat and he even survived the candles not blowing out on the first few blows. See the smile?
The secret star of the show? Bitty Girl. No interest in bowling, but she just played around the whole time, sat in one of the riding toy cars, and enjoyed a big piece of cake. Angel.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Second time around
See 2007 post for details...
But back to my mortification:
Last year I used these words to describe The Boy at 4:
At Nearly-Four, he was just beginning the transformation (to use one of his favorite action figure lines) into a full-fledged, marketed-by-Target-and-Toys-R-Us preschool boy!
Ummmm.. Today I overheard Madam 2 1/2 saying to herself, "Dear Santa, Please bring me some toys. I want a purple horse and some bath toys and a dolly." And every night at dinner, when we're saying grace and what we're thankful for, she says, "I thankful Christmas is coming!"
Transformation complete. 18 months ahead of schedule. Yikes.
It is frightening to see how much earlier younger siblings get the whole television, Halloween candy, Easter candy, Christmas presents, birthdays, toys stores, and treats at Starbucks thing.
On a good note, she also drank from an open cup earlier, can practically dress herself, plays alone for long periods of time, plays with Play-doh rather than eating it, waits patiently at times, doesn't mind if her choice isn't the chosen option, and--please Santa---will be potty trained before she's 3.
I tell myself that 2nd babies will be better adjusted people in the long run, more able to go with the flow, share and compromise, and stand up for themselves. That will help them combat the rotten teeth and early addictions to age-inappropriate cartoons.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Good news and bad news
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A Birthday Tale
Monday, December 1, 2008
Mama Grinch
We didn't get a chance to get the Christmas decorations out this weekend because we were busy with family gatherings. So today after I picked up the kids at school and we had dinner, I made a bad decision to try some decor unpacking. No tree, just decorations, snowmen, advent calendar, table decorations.
But instead of putting on some music and making it a nice evening, I became the Christmas Grinch.
"Don't touch that! It's fragile!"
"Be careful - that might break!"
"Wait until I'm ready to unpack that!"
"Leave that one here!"
"Hands off!"
Very nice. Great example of the holiday spirit. And all the while, Bitty Girl is exclaiming, "This one is my favorite!" Since she can't remember last year, they're all her favorite!
The Boy was really trying to help, he just got excited. Nothing broke, and so what if it did?
She took all the Christmas bears and dollies and put them to sleep under the holiday placemats and dish towels. Life as usual, just with a holiday style.
The Grinch's heart felt slightly guilty and she vowed to try harder for the rest of the season.