paint pumpkins, and go trick or treating--all in the same afternoon! But we did it-with very little yelling or gritted teeth.
The Mummy triumphed, after a very long wrapping session only made possible by Daddy's eternal patience and about 30 safety pins.
(Many apologizes for the hideous yellow background. Pictures alone make me want to paint)
He got tons of compliments, and a few Mummy/Daddy jokes..
The kitty was darling. She got ready before the Mummy and ran around the house yelling, "Let's go trick or treat and get candy!" But she peaked early, and after 3 houses, wanted to go home.
Cat and Mummy
After a long neighborhood trek, a few slips and falls, and one haunted house that was slightly too scary, here's what we had in the slightly unraveled Mummy department...
Whew. Must make them dress up again for better pictures.